How to gain self confidence

You want to be confident and feel confident, but what if you're starting with little or no confidence? How do you get from Point A to Point B? True self-confidence isn't an overnight acquisition. It takes dedication to realize you are a good human being that is worthy of respect and love. The person with "self-confidence" will remain slightly fearless, while another person will continue to have fear and doubts. Whenever a person's egoism is excessive (above a certain level); he will always lack self-confidence. The principle is such that how much you are positive, that much positive result will come; and how much you are negative, that much negative result will come. Let us see what Gnani say's....

Questioner: I am feeling low on confidence. I am not feeling confident about anything?

Niruma: Not feeling confident. You see the inner state of ‘antakaran’, is made up of mind, intellect, ‘chit’ and ego. It is the intellect which is indecisive and is unable to take a decision; hence one is low in confidence & one does not have faith. If one wants to develop self confidence then one should be able to discriminate between positive and negative.

Self confidence inner

For e.g.: During examinations if one is in a dilemma that will I remember whatever I have studied? Will I be able to write during the exams or not? What if I happen to forget? Then after the exams are over and done with it restarts with the thoughts that will I pass or fail? What if I fail? Such thing goes on. The intellect shows such negatives and we should not attend to such intellect. We should not abide by it. Remain positive. We should ask the negative thoughts to ‘get – out’. Then the self confidence shall develop. If you don’t sign on these negatives then the result shall turn out to be good. This negative intellect destroys all our strength. And in the past has it ever happened in accordance to our decisions? Whatever we decide does it always happen? Something else only happens, isn’t it so? Then why should we worry about that which is not in our hands? Let’s just do our work.

If you want to study then do so with complete positivity, you shall remember everything, shall be able to write properly in the exams and shall definitely pass. What’s the big deal in passing when so many others too clear these exams. Then you shall be at peace with yourself, and confidence will increase and shall also fare well in the exams. The principle is such that how much you are positive, that much positive result will come; and how much you are negative, that much negative result will come.
