Summer Camp
‘Summer Camps’, an opportunity for enjoying and learning at the same time, is a one or two day’s camp during the summer vacations (in the months of April or May) every year.
Vacation is here and it's time for a venture… Pack all your bags; for the Youth Camp is here! Time to make new friends and meet the old ones; Come make memories lasting for years to come!
Camps are those times of the year when the youth meets up to experience their full potential! A zestful aura filled with enthusiasm and an urge for exploration is what you’ll find in each and every camp. These camps cover a wide range of themes to make the youth assimilate the topic with practical and relatable activities.
These camps occur every year separately for boys and girls, further divided age-wise; Group 1 for youth aged 13 to 16 years and Group 2 for youth aged 17 to 21 years. Talk shows, exhibitions, group discussions, talent hunts, games, learning-based activities, these camps have got you all covered!!...
‘Camps’, an opportunity for enjoying and learning at the same time, is a 1 or 2 days camp during summer vacations (April/May). Group-based activities, games, sessions on specific topics, group discussions organized in summer camps are all intended towards inner peace and character building. Special Satsangs to Sports and Seva to Group Discussions, Fuzion helps in spiritual growth and in understanding inner self better.
There’s another camp for kids of NRI parents who live abroad. Spiritual Teen Akram Retreat is a 15 days camp held in the month of July/August. It helps the youth grow in different aspects and they get to experience Dada Bhagwan’s Science practically through workshops, trainings, Seva, and other activities.
‘Summer Camps’, an opportunity for enjoying and learning at the same time, is a one or two day’s camp during the summer vacations (in the months of April or May) every year.
‘Fuzion’ – an event to avoid Confuzion (Confusion) for the youth - is the most awaited camp of 3 days held every year during the Diwali vacations.
“YUVA”- YoUth Value Addition – is a captivating camp of 5 days, held in the month of July-August, that YMHTians aged 17 to 21 years attend.
Ful-filled YUVA Pro camp is a 2-day regional YMHT camp held separately in various cities and centers across India, for YMHTian boys of age group 17-21 years.
iStar which stands for International Spiritual Teen Akram Retreat is a 15-day camp held in Simandhar City, Adalaj for the youth living outside India.
A fun outing trip organized for the young boys aged 17 to 21 years who gather from YMHT Centres across the India.