True religion begins with having an obliging nature. Our own happiness begins from the very moment we give anything to others.
Dada’s Youth fondly called Y-MHT (Youth Mahatma) represents the young generation of age 13 -21 years, who are walking on the path guided by Param Pujya Dadashri.
There has never been such youth in any time cycle before. They are honest and pure. All they need is for someone to give them guidance.
~ Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan
The sole purpose of the YMHT center’s activity is to impart the knowledge of Param Pujya Dadashri to the youth in a fun and interesting way. Having been nurtured with practical knowledge through activities, these YMHTians are getting ready to face any situation in life without breaking down. They have Param Pujya Dadashri’s blessings protecting them from vices and leading them to make the right choices in life.
Various interactive methods like group discussions, presentations, book reading, role play, games and quizzes are used to nourish the youth minds and hearts with the principles of Akram Science. The sessions are designed on various topics such as anger, pride, morality, sincerity, love, positivity, respect and many more. These sessions are conducted by the volunteers who have joined the cause with the intent to spread Param Pujya Dadashri’s knowledge through Seva.
Apart from these sessions, there are events like summer camps, workshops and picnics. Separate summer camps designed for different age groups not only increase bond between the youths and the volunteers, but also instill values through games and activities.
YMHT boys and girls also have yearly sessions with Aptaputras and Aptputris (Celibacy Bhaio & Baheno ) where they can ask any questions and get proper guidance to solve their life problems.
True religion begins with having an obliging nature. Our own happiness begins from the very moment we give anything to others.
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